Martina Fausch, Ph.D.
Clinical Sexologist


The traditional concept is that all conflicts sit in the emotional part of our being - and then sexuality will work itself out. Body and mind are often considered to be two separate entities. An antagonism has evolved from this dualistic perception in which the impulse-driven impure body is seen as inferior and oppressing the pure mind and soul. “Sexological evaluations” in many sex therapy schools are still conducted without including the person’s physical and sexual reality. Consequently, sexual problems are primarily understood to be symptoms of psychological conflicts.

Sexocorporel is based on the fundamental inseparable unity of body and mind and uses a logical concept that everything needs to be learned, including sexuality. Sexocorporel distinguishes and examines the different components that play together in the experience of sexuality. This model permits the evaluation of all elements that interact with human sexuality and provides the clients a chance to improve their sexuality in the areas that cause them concern. Dividing the inseparable – the human person – into components allows for differentiated working hypotheses.
(K. Bischof,