Martina Fausch, Ph.D.
Clinical Sexologist

Clinicial Sexology

Clinical Sexologists are concerned with sexual behavior and how people feel about it.

Contemporary clinical sexology follows the tradition begun by the early twentieth-century pioneers of sexology, who defined sexual behavior as a unique and valid concern for scholarly study, clinical attention, and social action.

Clinical sexology is based upon an action-oriented approach that facilitates growth and the management of sexual issues.

Through limited sexual counseling provided by a well-educated, currently informed, and qualified sexologist, somebody can effectively address between 80 and 90 percent of issues related to sexual function and pleasure. Some may require intensive therapy for the balance of sexual problems, and these may be addressed by referral to an individual with specialized training in related disorders.

Clinical sexologists are non-judgmental in their approach:

The use of a non-judgmental approach is highly endorsed by various counseling methods, particularly for issues related to self-esteem, marginal behaviors, and educational-based interventions. Many clinicians trained in the more traditional disciplines of medicine and psychology may find this aspect of the sexological approach problematic.

Clinical sexologists approach sexual behavior from a sex-positive perspective.

Sexologists believe that expressing one’s sexuality is an essential and valued aspect of an individual’s personality. The mostly sex-negative cultural environment challenges clinical sexologists as they pursue their mission to educate about Healthy Sex in the community.